Thursday, May 13, 2010

Birthday Alert

My brother Christopher will be turning a decade (10) on wednesday May 19 2010. More pictures are coming after his birthday. If any of our readers have an encouragement for my brother feel free to write them on comments. Enjoy the pics!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

For those who do not know what Cinco de Mayo is here is a little bit of history. On May 5 1862 the Mexican army  had an unlikely victory at the Battle of Puebla. It is celebrated in Puebla and in various parts of the United States. Although it is not celebrated nationwide in Mexico, it is celebrated nationwide as a holiday in the United States . But still it is not a main holiday in the United States. Cinco de Mayo is celebrated by Mexicans and hispanics as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride. Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independence Day.       
The Lord knows everything. I thank him for my heritage. But most of all I thank Him for giving me life, and parents that teach me about Gods word!  I challenge you to ask your parents questions about your heritage.